Tuesday, July 26, 2011

    How to recycle an old tee into a bikini

    Teekini Top

    1. Find an old T-shirt (not too transparent)—the bigger the better.

    2. Lay your T-shirt out flat.
    3. Cut off the bottom hem of the T-shirt.
    4. Cut off two more 1.5-inch-wide strips from the bottom to use as straps.
    5. Lay out and pin an existing bikini top out onto the front of the T-shirt (make sure not to pin it through to the back!). T-shirt fabric does not need hemming, so it won’t fray after it’s been cut. Should you, however, choose to hem your suit, add a 1-inch seam allowance on all sides of the pattern.
    6. Now outline the pattern onto the T-shirt. Once you are finished, cut the shape out of the front of your T-shirt.
    7. Remove the bikini from the T-shirt fabric. You’ll notice that your top has very short straps. Cut out two strips at least 6 inches long, from your leftover scraps. Tip: Feel free to use a different stretch or jersey fabric to add color or flavor!
    8. Hand-sew each strip onto the short ties of your bikini top so that your straps are long enough to tie in a bow. Trick of the trade: Once the straps are sewn on, tug on them to make them more string-like.
    9. We added a lace detail and dyed our bikini top, but feel free to use your creative energies and add your own touch.
    Teekini Bottom
    1. Find an old T-shirt (not too transparent)—the bigger the better. 
    2. Lay your T-shirt out flat. 
    3. Cut off the bottom hem of the T-shirt 
    4. Cut off two more 1.5-inch-wide strips from the bottom to use as straps. 
    5. Lay out and pin an existing bikini bottom out onto the front of the T-shirt (make sure not to pin it through to the back!). T-shirt fabric does not need hemming, so it won't fray after it’s been cut. Should you, however, choose to hem your suit, add a 1-inch seam allowance on all sides of the pattern. 
    6. Now outline the pattern onto the T-shirt. Once you are finished, cut the shape out of the front of your t-shirt. 
    7. You will notice that your bottoms has very short straps. Cut out two strips at least 6 inches long and 2 inches wide from your leftover scraps. Tip: Feel free to use a different fabric for the strips to add color or flavor! 
    8. Hand-sew each strip onto the short ties of your bikini bottom so that your straps are long enough to tie in a bow. Tip of the trade: Once the straps are sewn on, tug on them to make them more string-like. Fold the bottoms in half lengthwise and tie side straps to fitSource URL: https://felipecamiroagas.blogspot.com/2011/07/how-to-recycle-old-tee-into-bikini.html
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